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Tell us a bit about yourself.  When did you come to First Lubbock?


I came to First Lubbock when I was in college at Texas Tech and later Wayland Baptist University. I enjoyed a great college experience while growing my faith here as a leader and intern. Upon discerning my call to ministry I graduated and left to further my education in Fort Worth at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. January 2021 in the midst of everything crazy that was going on I accepted the call to First Lubbock as Student Ministry Associate.

What was your childhood dream job?

I grew up in a rural area and was surrounded by agriculture for the entirety of my life before college. My dream job as a child was to become a cherry farmer like my family before me.

What's your favorite place you've visited?


My family vacations every year in the Sequoias where we have a cabin. What makes the Sequoias my favorite place that I have visited is the memories my family and I have made in these mountains.


Other than Jesus, what historical figure would you most like to meet?

I think I would have liked to meet Lottie Moon. As a missionary to China, from the experiences and hurdles she overcame to reach the lost, to the struggles of being in a foreign country, I think having that opportunity would be so rich and encouraging not to mention educational.


What are a few of your hobbies?


My hobbies include backpacking, fishing, hiking, watching sports, and trying new foods.


What do you love most about First Lubbock?


The thing I love most about First Lubbock is the commitment to reaching the lost for Christ in our neighborhoods as well as abroad. The ministries reaching out to the people of Lubbock and serving them are church-wide and I couldn’t be more proud to call First Lubbock home.


What would you say to a guest to encourage them on their journey to finding a church home?


This church offers the opportunity for growth in Jesus Christ that has depth and weight that will encourage and develop your faith. There’s a difference between going to church on Sunday and being a part of a church family that worships and grows together, I think First Lubbock is the latter and I would encourage them dive head first into our ministries.

(806) 747-0281 | 2201 Broadway, Lubbock, texas 

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